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Why Tour Operators are at the forefront of sustainable travel

By Sarah Leckie on 24th April, 2024

In an era where the beauty of our planet is marred by the scars of environmental negligence, the concept of sustainable travel has shifted from a mere trend to an imperative mission. At Fleewinter, we believe tour operators and travel companies like us are central to this mission. We are helping to steer the travel industry towards a greener, more sustainable future.


The Role of Tour Operators in Sustainable Travel

We are not just your gateway to a breezy vacation; but are the architects of a movement, pioneering eco-friendly practices that make sustainable travel not only possible but enjoyable. By curating experiences that respect the environment and reduce carbon footprints, we ensure that your travel fantasies are not at odds with the health of our planet.


Key Areas of Sustainability Focus for responsible travel 


Many believe sustainability focuses solely on reducing carbon emissions and promoting recycling—and it does—but a closer look at the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals reveals it encompasses much more. Sustainability is a broad concept that includes economic growth, social development, gender equality, and the creation of economic opportunities. 



Sustainable Eco Practices


The key areas of sustainability that Fleewinter focuses on include;


Eco-Friendly Practices

Diving into the heart of sustainability, tour operators implement a range of eco-friendly practices. From using energy-efficient transportation to offering accommodation in eco-lodges, these practices ensure that your travel is as green as it is grand. In Zambia, we work with Green Safaris, whose properties have been designed and built in the most sustainable way with safari lodges and camps being completely off-grid using solar power. 

While in Sri Lanka our transport partner ensures you are provided with a handy welcome back including reusable water bottles for the car – and helps factor in places to refill with fresh filtered water along your trip. 

This extends your travel experience beyond just environmental conservation, enhancing the authenticity and quality of your travel experience.


Carbon Footprint Reduction

It can be tricky to figure out the impact a Fleewinter holiday has, and even harder to offset that impact with projects that really work. We estimate the impact each holiday with Fleewinter has using globally recognised standards.

Working with AITO, our travel association, we purchase  “carbon credits” from a company that finds legitimate, impactful offsetting projects. The credits we purchase are distributed between four projects that meet a strict set of ethical and qualitative criteria. Offsetting isn’t the long-term answer for reducing the climate effects of travel.  But, while the world works on permanent solutions, it is a great thing to do.

You can learn more about these projects and our carbon offsetting practice here

Supporting Local Communities

Travel is a force for good. The true essence of travel lies in its ability to bridge cultures. Sustainable tour operators enrich this experience by supporting local economies. By sourcing local guides and investing in community projects, they ensure that your visit contributes to preserving the cultural heritage and boosting local prosperity.

We support trusted charities and sustainable initiatives making real change – and by travelling with Fleewinter, you do, too. For all our trips we contribute £5 or £10 to our Africa sustainable education programme, we then ask you to match our donation.

Collectively, we’ve raised more than £30,000 in support of worthwhile education projects. Since 2019, we’ve focused our donations on WeSeeHope. We support the Pre-School Programme in Malawi, which is designed to help rural and isolated communities set up, run and sustain their own pre-schools for children aged 2-5 years.

Where we can, we promote travel where you see the “real” destination rather than an all-inclusive corporation-owned hotel. We support local businesses and communities, and in many of our destinations, tourism is the number one earner for them. 


Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Sustainable tour operators understand their valuable role in shaping tourists perceptions and take their responsibilities seriously. They recognize the power of their choices to influence and educate. Offering tickets to exploitative captive animal shows conveys a misleading endorsement to tourists. When travellers see these events promoted, they might wrongly presume they’re harmless or even advantageous to animal welfare. Here at Fleewinter, we know this is far from the truth. 

All of our local businesses and guides must meet stringent standards relating to animal welfare. Our South East Asia DMC Khiri Travel, works to prevent wildlife product trade and educates our guests on suitable souvenirs.


Promoting Responsible Tourism

Responsible tourism is about making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit. Tour operators educate travellers on minimizing their impact and respecting local cultures, ensuring that travel remains a force for good. 

One significant challenge that responsible tourism addresses is over-tourism, which occurs when there are too many visitors to a particular location. Overtourism can lead to environmental degradation, and reduced quality of life for locals. We know our destinations inside out and prefer to get you off the beaten path away from the crowds.

Fleewinter encourages activities that support local economies without overwhelming them, such as small-group tours to artisan workshops or culinary experiences. Many of our destinations work with ResiRest, a fast-growing social enterprise which connects local home-cooks and their families to international travellers for a unique, cultural, local food experience.   

We ensure that tourism serves as a positive force, contributing to sustainable development and cultural preservation, rather than a source of harm.


After developing the very first electric game drive vehicle in Zambia (the e-Cruiser), Ila Safari Lodge became the first lodge in Zambia to run silent solar-powered safaris on both land and water.

Challenges and Innovations

The road to sustainability is fraught with challenges, from economic constraints to logistical hurdles. However, the spirit of innovation thrives within the industry, with tour operators continually exploring new ways to combine luxury with sustainability, ensuring that neither is compromised.

Tongabezi Lodge has just launched the first ever electric Dhow in the world. A great option for Silent Safari cruising on the Zambezi in a hand-crafted wooden boat.



Tour operators are at the forefront of the sustainable travel movement, crafting experiences that satisfy the wanderlust of today’s travellers while safeguarding the wonder of our world for tomorrow’s adventurers.

Embrace the future of travel with open arms and a conscious mind. Choose sustainable travel options and support tour operators who are committed to making a positive impact on the planet. With the right choices, we can all be part of a journey that celebrates not just new sights, but a new way of seeing our world.

By prioritizing sustainability, you’re not just booking a trip; you’re making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in and leave behind. So why wait? Let’s travel the globe with care, curiosity, and a commitment to our planet.

Ready to embark on your dream holiday without the hassle? Let’s make it happen! Contact us today to discover a unique, tailor-made getaway without the hassle. Just tell us what makes you tick, and we’ll handle the rest.

Written by Sarah Leckie

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