Huge progress has been made to make travel more sustainable and bring tangible positive impacts on the communities we visit. But there's always more work to be done. We support trusted charity and sustainable initiatives making real change - and by travelling with Fleewinter, you do, too.
Where we can, we promote travel that gives back, where you see the “real” destination rather than an all-inclusive corporation-owned hotel. We support local businesses and communities, and we believe travel has the power to do some serious good.
And we know our clients like to contribute as much as they can too, so we use our expertise to do that in two ways.
Firstly, for all our trips we contribute £5 or £10 to our Africa sustainable education programme where we know this amount is life-changing for some of the poorest families in the world, helping to build financial independence.
Secondly, we estimate the carbon emitted from the travel and services you book with us and, working with AITO, our travel association, we purchase carbon offsets to counter this. Offsetting isn’t the long term answer for reducing the climate effects of travel. But, while we – and the world – work on permanent solutions, it is a great thing to do.
First of all – thank you.
By visiting our website, it means you’re probably planning a trip – and a continued growth in visitors is what helps support community development. Giving back is only possible with the help of you, our clients.
Collectively, we’ve raised more than £50,000 in support of worthwhile education projects thanks to our friends and clients, and their contributions.
Since 2019, we’ve focused our giving on WeSeeHope. We support the Pre-School Programme in Malawi, which is designed to help rural and isolated communities set up, run and sustain their own pre-schools for children aged 2-5 years.
WeSeeHope delivers sustainable change to communities that benefit the most.
In 2023 we started to offset your holidays.
Using a combination of some clever maths (we got specialists in for this bit…) and a trusted partner to guide us toward ethical offset projects, we now purchase carbon credits and ‘spend’ these on four projects, to help to mitigate the impact of holidays taken with Fleewinter.
As we said, it’s certainly not perfect – but perfection should never be the enemy of good.
And we think this is a pretty good thing to do.
Fleewinter consultants can also work directly with projects near and dear to them.
Over the years we’ve supported a number of initiatives – so if you’ve travelled with us, chances are you’ve already made a difference.
If you’re interested where your donation went, get in touch – we’d be delighted to chat about it!